The production management software - SEAM, allows you to have a clear visibility of your production tool for a rapid improvement of the productivity of your workshops, and a prompt reactivity upon your clients orders…but our customers will tell you more!
M. Serge Uranie
Directeur du service informatique
Tropic Knits Ltd
Compagnie verticalement intégrée, fabricant des produits mailes. Membre du Groupe CIEL Textile:
It was vital to adopt a standard working method at Tropic Knits. The SEAM developers, highly experienced in this field, succeeded in creating the adequate tool in order to set up a management information system in the factory.
The product is well presented, and the graphics are well used. The software is user friendly. Finally the operations end with the printing and reading of production tickets. There is no manual entry, and management follow the results directly on screen.
Every hour supervisors analyse their productivity progress and take necessary actions. The update of production orders are made automatically. There is no need to seek computer engineers to work on this system.
From my point of view, SEAM is seamless (fluid) due to the compatibility of integrating to other computerized systems. The transfer of data towards SEAM – order details, mattresses (cut fabrics) and the employees attendance – are made by the transfer of information from one computer to another. Furthermore, the process of production figures towards the central system, for salary earnings, is also made fluid.
Really we gained in productivity !
Mme. Joyce Nelson
Directrice d'usine
Palmar Group Ltd
Fabricant de produits denim et de produits Maille légère
The management has taken the decision to introduce SEAM in the factory, I must say that its utilisation was so benefit to us as SEAM allows us to know the efficiency of each operator.
In fact , we follow on an hourly basis the production progress as well as the performance of each operator. I can have the possibility to closely monitor the productivity of each machinist during the day.
I am very satisfied to follow closely the production. SEAM allows us to know the efficiency of each operator, to evaluate the production, and to amend the line balancing based on the production output.
Previously, we pick up the production figures manually and it was difficult to identify at an early stage any bottleneck on production line. Today we are capable to know the exact status of our orders and we are able to take necessary and corrective action to respect the delivery date.
SEAM tool allows us to be more systematic and proactive.