About Us
For more than 15 years, Uniconsults is committed to provide the means to improve companies’ operational performance.
Our engagement towards our customers : Sicorax is committed to give you sustainable means to strengthen the visibility of your business and simplify the management of your company.
Leader on Payroll and HR Management solutions in the Indian Ocean, our company brings a unique and recognised expertise to more than 1,000 companies.
Our experts intervene daily in the following areas :
- Implementation of business solutions
- Implementation of managers tools/dashboards
- Organisational actions on the industrial production tool
Implementation of SICORAX® business solutions
- Management : Accounting, Gestion Commerciale (purchasing, stock, invoicing), Fixed Assets Register, etc.
- Human Resources : Payroll, Human Resources management, Performance Management System (Appraisals), 360° Feedback, Employee and Manager Self Service.
- Marketing, Sales and After Sales Service : Customer & Enterprise Relationship Management, Complaints Management, etc.
- Industrial Management : Production Management, Order Monitoring, Production Performance, Time and motion study (Textile), Technical Drawings (Textile).
- Agriculture / Sugar : Employee Payroll, Garage, Transport, Weighbridge, Field Management, Expenses / Revenues, Management Information Systems.
Implementation of Managers tools
- Measurement and performance monitoring : Financial dashboards, Commercial dashboards, Production dashboards, Payroll Statistics, Social Audit, etc.
- Problem solving methods : WWWWHW, 5M, 5 Why, brainstorming, Mind Map, Fishbone Diagram, Pareto Diagram, etc...
Organisational actions of industrial production tool
- Analysis and Diagnosis : Industrial diagnosis of production tool, organisation and methods diagnosis, quality diagnosis, analysis flow, etc.
- Training : Organisation and production management, Work methods, etc.
- Industrial Technical Assistance / Methods : MTM2, Time Study, Methods Study, Operation Break-down, conduct operators training.
- Technical assistance for continuous performance improvement : Lean Manufacturing, PDCA, SMED, Simogramme, 5S, Visual Management, TPM, Constrains Management (TOC), optimisation des flux, workflow optimisation, etc.
Our partners :
- IFTH : Uniconsults is the exclusive partner of L'Institut Français Textile - Habillement for the Indian Ocean region, and intervene in textile and clothing industries at large for training, industrial diagnostics, technical assistance, etc.
- World Bank : Uniconsults was appointed by the World Bank and its institution IFC, to assist 15 organisations in the Apparel and Textile industry in Madagascar in order to increase their productivity and cost management.
Our customers: 1,000 companies from various business activities, use SICORAX®
- Banks, Insurances and Financial organisations
- Hotels, Hotel Groups and Tour operators
- Service companies (local and offshore) BPO
- Commercial companies
- Manufacturing Industries
- Contracting Companies
- Agricultural and Agro-industrial organisations
- Etc...
For more information, contact us!